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Conditions & Processes

Support from the Fund is typically provided after consultative discussions between Larew and the potential recipient. Once agreed upon with the recipient, Larew submits a request to the Raymond James Charitable (RJC)  asking that a grant be made to the organization. If Larew and the recipient have agreed on any conditions for the grant’s use, those conditions will be mentioned in the cover letter from RJC. (Note, the granted funds are not sent to the recipient by Larew. RJC sends the grant as a check to the recipient see below.)  


In order to submit a request to RJC, Larew needs the organization’s EIN, and the name and contact information for the organization’s contact person.  


Typically, after reviewing Larew’s request, RJC sends the funds as a check made out to the recipient organization by U.S. mail. A month is usually required between the time that Larew submits a request to RJC and the check is mailed by RJC to the recipient. 


Thus far, support has been between $500 and $5,000.

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